Club2Class Knowledge Base

Manage Boat Classes

Club Administrators can use this tool to manage and create custom boat classes and view system wide Club2Class boat classes.

To manage your custom boat classes and view system wide curated boat classes navigate to your Club Administrator Tools and choose Manage Boat Classes from the Rating Systems Management section. This will show a list of boat classes.

Many popular boat classes are curated and made available system wide by Club2Class. In addition you can create your own custom boat classes specific to your club.

Click on add boat class to add a new boat class.

To download a list of all boat classes, including your club specific classes click download.

To upload a list of club specific classes to your Club2Class, click upload.

You can filter system and club boat classes by clicking on the headings.

For the list of boat classes shown...

Click on to edit the boat class and any rating system entries for that boat class.

Click on to list boat class details and edit any rating system entries for that boat class.